Organically Opinionated

Sounding off, fresh from the farm…..I mean computer.

Out with the old, and in with the new January 1, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 11:37 pm

What a year 2009 has been.  Looking back it didn’t seem all that crazy, but when I sit down – peach margarita in hand – and think what all went on, I am a little overwhelmed I managed to survive.  What’s even more crazy is that a whole decade is over.  I can’t believe that!  Where does the time really go?

I am not much of a resolution person during the New Year, but did come across a few I felt that were realistic and beneficial.  I am going to make a conscious effort to get back to blogging.  Watching the move “Julie & Julia” over the holidays has inspired me.  It has inspired me as well to not be so lost – a feeling I feel quite so often.  So even though I am finishing up my Associate’s Degree this year (I’m on the 10 year plan for the 2 year degree), I am heavily thinking of going to the vocational school in Rome to learn a skill.  My other resolutions I have made are simple, yet so important.  The first (which I began before the New Year) is texting while driving.  It seems rather hypocritical of me to say “don’t drink and drive” when I have (notice have as in past tense) texted while driving.  So that is done, no more of that.  “I’m a safety girl!”  Anyone tell me what movie that’s from??  My second resolution is to go to the gym on a more realistic/consistent basis.  At least until my birthday.  Since being diagnosed with adult ADHD this year, I have realized that this is what inhibits my ability to follow through with things, so at the recommendation of an article I read, I have to take steps (baby steps it seems) in order to follow through.  So no more 3 hours, 2 times a day spells at the gym trying to be Wonder Woman and burn myself out in a week.  I’ll go for no more than 2 hours after I take Spencer to school.  So definitely stay tuned.


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