Organically Opinionated

Sounding off, fresh from the farm…..I mean computer.

The Secret Word Is: January 20, 2010

Filed under: Organic 101 — Organically Opinionated @ 5:11 am

I’m gonna give a shout out to one of my favorite people from my childhood – Pee Wee Herman.  Who did not love Pee Wee’s Playhouse or Pee Wee’s Big Adventure growing up?  He is truly one of a kind!  Remember how Pee Wee would always have a secret word?  Well, I hope he doesn’t mind . . . but I am going to “borrow” his secret word idea and incorporate it into my own personal secret.  At each blog I do, I will list one word that is a clue to my secret.  Today is day 99.  98 more clues to go . . . WOW!  That’s a lot of clues.  If anyone figures it out my secret in advance (#pleasedontruinsurprise), I will personally make them a basket of my world famous partymix.

Today’s clue is:




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